Wednesday, January 28, 2009


In case you're curious if you're going to have a day off due to weather...

There is always the website at: Stormcenter.
1) if we have school, I will be there. I am committed to being your teacher, and thus, I will be there to teach you.
2) HOWEVER, I feel confident driving in this stuff. If you don't, then I implore you to consider your safety first. I do care enough (like the Grinch, I actually do have a heart buried somewhere in there) to have wiggle room with my attendance policy in light of snow and ice and rain that is like the stuff sitting out on my front walkway about to meet the shovel.
3) Take care, stay warm, unwind and / or be productive. It's your day. Enjoy it.

(from the Dean of Students)
Given that winter weather is still very possible, would you please remind students that the three easiest ways for them to find out about the status of whether the college is open or closing is:

1. Sign up on the homepage of the website for e2Campus so they can receive a test alert informing them about the status of the College
2. Check the home page of the website
3. Call the Inclement Weather Hotline at 610.607.6293

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