Monday, September 28, 2009

Marcus Luttrell Assignment

Marcus Luttrell Assignment (this was to be in class, but it is now a take-home assignment since there's no point in watching you read an article that you have to summarize).
1. Read the WHOLE article. If I picked it out for you to read, there is a lesson to learn.
2. Then, assume that Luttrell has just spoken this whole article to you. Your job is to determine the following things: Thesis, 3 forecasats, and a conclusion.
3. Your job IS NOT to repeat the article to me. If I want to read it, I can read it.
4. Your job is to write a 5-paragraph essay (you don’t have to type it, but you can) that explains what Luttrell’s purpose was in writing this section of Lone Survivor (which is the best military book OF ALL TIME) according to why I wanted you to read this.
5. This is an extension of COM051’s article summaries, which are a good lead in to research, which starts Wednesday and finishes its introduction on Friday.
6. The last time that you can turn this in for any credit is Friday in class prior to me starting class.
7. By the way, if you can do this, then you can do the mid-term. If you can do the mid-term, you can do the final exam (if necessary).


September 28 – I will collect your essay IN CLASS (if it’s not here in class, then it’s late) and then I will warm up with Lone Survivor in class reading assignment. Finish with more grammar after I approve your topics. You can never have enough help with grammar. Really.
September 30 + October 2 – While you should have your book by day 1, if you don’t have it by today, you will be in a predicament as MLA is intensely explained in the Pocket Reference for Writers. Please carry your book with to class every day after this point. In class self and peer review of the essay. For Monday, you will need to have a typed first paragraph, 2 URLs, and a preliminary “rough” outline. Handwritten is the same as not done at all.
October 5+7 – First research paragraph check day. We will be putting these paragraphs on the board and they will be worth 25 points to go over. All students will be checked one of these days. Any student that doesn’t go Monday will go on Wednesday.
October 9 – We will do the creative / descriptive writing assignment today. As this is a pointed assignment, you need to be here to complete it. This is a personal file that I have created and is only available as an IN CLASS assignment.
October 12+14 – Thomas Friedman World is Flat video. Begin to discuss paraphrasing and making statistics say what we want them to. For homework, you need to list 20 URLs that you visit and tell me what is there. You will also have to go to and tell me what is there. This is worth 20 points. These are due at the next class. Look over Phishing and Internet Use handouts at home since I don’t have time to do them in class.
October 16 - Thomas Friedman World is Flat discussion day. We will be doing the quiz, the in-class group essay, and then the Power Point discussion. Everything will combine for a 50 point assignment. You must be here for this. You are given questions for the Global Warming assignment and told to have them done by Monday for in class discussion.
October 19+21 – Global Warming quiz, group project, and discussion on conservative and liberal bias in the media with additional discussion on subjective, objective, values neutral, and faith based writing.
October 23 - The David Sedaris article midterm. As long as you wouldn’t fail, you get the points for passing. While this is not the final determination of passing or failing this class, this is a solid indicator of where you stand. It is given today so that you know where you would be with regards to deciding to withdraw or stay in class. Please note that withdrawing may prevent an F, but it may affect your financial aid. Always see the good folks in Berks 107 before acting on something that could create a bill for you. Always see your teacher before deciding that you can’t do this class anymore. You may be surprised to find that your teacher sees a light at the end of the tunnel.
October 26 - I will be available for discussions regarding what your grade is so that you can decide whether to stay in class or to take a W. I will advise you honestly, but I won’t tell you what to do. Only you can do that. I will tell you what you can expect based on your progress up until this point. Since you have been working intently on your research, I will also be willing to meet up 1 on 1 to discuss this. Whether or not you choose to meet with me, you will be able to use this class to complete your Presidential Scavenger Hunt for Wednesday OR you can use it for research time.
October 28 – Go over all of the different ways that you researched on the Internet for the Presidential Scavenger Hunt and that you can research on the Internet to find answers to questions like the ones I made you hunt down. Trust me; being able to Google search is a great skill to have.
October 30 – Rehash of all that is MLA and research. Your essay is due in class on Monday. Students are told to have an APA persuasive topic for Monday.
November 1 - 12-8 Barnes and Nobles Day for all students. This is located at the Target plaza.
November 2 - All essays must be turned in on Monday to redo if you get less than a 75. If you do not turn in during our class on Monday (all excuses are equal), then you will not get a redo. If you do not turn this essay in by the following Monday, you cannot pass the class as the rules for my class specify doing all 3 essays at a minimum to pass the class. In class self and peer review of the essay. If you don’t have an essay, you will be marked late for class as we will be conducting the essay review ONLY with those that have an essay to hand in. Begin APA discussion. Also, we will approve topics for the persuasive essay.

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