Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 2+3 Schedule

June 21+22 – Begin grammar. Discuss the Karate Kid handout. Discuss the Grammar Terms PPT. Begin to discuss What’s Wrong With this Sentence PPT.
June 23+24 – Introduction to essay writing and concepts associated with The Blindside essay. All info will be gone over and everything will be set up (to include The Blindside journals that will go with the essay).
June 28 – Discuss prewriting. Do the in class outline assignment with National Parks of the Colorado Plateau video. This is worth 50 points, so you will need to be here. This is due by your Wednesday at the start of class. In addition, you need to work on the outline of your essay at this point. Outline sheets are available online as well.
June 29 – Continue grammar. I’m going to say this a lot. This is because grammar is everything to your ability to write well.
June 30 – Collect National Parks Outline Assignments. Go over good essay (Shoes) and bad essay (Judging Individuals by Their Music). Discuss final issues to be concerned with for the first essay due on Monday. All essays must be turned in on Monday to redo if you get less than a 90. If you do not turn in during our class on Monday (all excuses are equal), then you will not get a redo. If you do not turn this essay in by the following Monday, you cannot pass the class as the rules for my class specify doing all 3 essays at a minimum to pass the class. You will be advised to drop the class or face failure at a D minimum (most likely an F). Students will also be assigned to create a topic for their research essay, which will be due (typed) on Monday with a brief summary of what they hope to prove in research as opposed to just telling me straight up (report). For example, a biography of Lincoln is not acceptable, but a paper explaining how his leadership contributed to the North’s success in the Civil War would be acceptable.
July 1 – Final questions for the Blindside Essay, which is due on Tuesday. We will discuss the Cornell Method, and then, we will do the Civil War Assignment. You will do all of this in class.

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