Monday, July 12, 2010

You have an article. You need to read chapters 5+6.
If you don't have it or you can't read it, then you have several options.

1) Go on Angel in the 7 articles section of materials and get the word file.
2) Go to Borders or Barnes and Nobles and read chapters 5+6. You don't have to buy it; you can just sit there and read it.

When you're done, you will take ONE 3x5 NOTECARD MAX on the information that you will need to do an article critique on the author's reason for writing this article. You are not writing a biography, but you will need details. As I said in class, one sentence sums up the whole article.

Directions are located on the how to do article critiques ppt. (last 3 slides),which is also in the 7 articles section.
You will have 1 class to do this. It must be done in class on Monday.
Question? Contact me ASAP.

Homework for Monday:
1) midterm
3) journals
4) Stephen Hawking essay is due
5) any redo papers that you need to do and that you have gotten permission to do (no permission, no redo - REALLY).
and for Tuesday...
6) the Anne Frank quiz on Angel. This was originally due Monday, but it is now pushed back until Tuesday.

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