Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Midterm - if you didn't get this e-mail, contact me immediately.

See the attached midterm (if you are seeing this on Angel Online, you will find the article at the bottom of the materials section).
Read chapters 5+6. Don't take notes - just read and look for the one main idea that sumarizes why the author wrote these chapters.
Then re-read and take notes.
REMEMBER, you aren't writing a biography - just a summary. You don't need to tell me everything - just what it means and why the author wrote it.
This is from Jon Krakauer's Where Men Win Glory. Since this is a book, the title needs italicized.
You are allowed to use 1 3x5 note card for notes. However, you shouldn't need to write so much that you need a magnifying glass to see it all.
Write this as if you were writing an in-class article summary. See the attached rules.
You will need to write a standard 5-paragraph setup.
You will have the entire class to do this.

Because of the confusion on the class webpage, there will be extra credit regarding Doris Voitier on the midterm. This will not affect your midterm grade, but it will make up for the fact that you did not take the online quiz. If you want to do this to replace your online quiz grade OR because you didn't do your online quiz, then I will be happy to let you - on the day of the midterm and only that day.

Please keep in mind that the Valeen Schnurr online quiz IS DUE ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY (depending on when your class takes place).
Mid term grade possibilities
1st and foremost, there is no pass or fail scenario on this test - just the final. The midterm is worth 25 points as long as you do not get an F or a down arrow.
However, this is preparation for how you would do on the final and to help you decide whether to withdraw from the class or stay in the class.

A - clearly good and no need to worry.
Up arrow - overall good, but could see some improvements.
Up and down arrow - borderline. Could be ok for the final, but could fail the final. Make improvements immediately.
Down arrow - would most likely fail the final and thus fail the class. Make improvements immediately and / or decide whether to stay in class or withdraw before the last day to withdraw from class.
F - you are in a position where there are too many errors to make up in too little time, and thus, you will fail the class.

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